Non-Fiction Books & Services
Read more about writing your personal story below.
It is the duty of some to record the actions and activities of the many. Have you made it your life mission to learn about history?
Perhaps the time has come for you to join the annals of history as a writer sharing your unique perspective.
Are you a person who has a knack for motivating others? Are you a public speaker, teacher or minister? Are you ready to share your ideas in a book that can encourage and mobilize others to improve their daily lives?
Now is the time to help others by motivating the asses in print.

Spiritual & Inspirational
​For those who have spent many years in the study and application of faith practice, share your unique interpretation and application of the scriptures with others. What verses have helped you in your career, personal ministry and family? What has gotten you through your darkest hours? Write about it!
Someone is going to walk through the painful path you have already walked on. You survived and they need to know how.

Have you spent your life in the service of your community, local, state or national? Are you a member of political committees or deeply involved in the political arena?
Have you helped to make change in the way government works and serves its constituents? Do you have a thesis for how our democracy could be improved? Write about it and get your ideas out into the thought market.

Do you know how to do something that may become a lost art like tatting?
Are you a specialists in social media, bitcoins, or some other cutting edge technology that is on the horizon? Are you a sharp, financial pro or entrepreneurial expert?
Teach others how to take advantage of the opportunities that they may not be aware of or exposed to.

Read more about writing a children's story below.
Read more about Speech writing services below.